Baton Rouge 225-239-7088
Text 225-955-2118
Gonzales 225-390-1238
Text 225-955-2118

Why Crossroads

Why Crossroads

Sep 18, 2019 by Crossroads Recovery Center

Crossroads Recovery Center of Louisiana is a clinic dedicated to treating patients with opioid use disorder (OUD) and alcohol use disorder (AUD). Our team of skilled physicians, nurse practitioners, and counselors have over 50 years of combined experience. We understand that patients may also have coexisting conditions such as anxiety, depression, hypertension, and Hepatitis C. But, rest assured, we can help. Our mission is to treat the &ld...

Counseling’s Importance in Addiction

Counseling’s Importance in Addiction

Updated May 5, 2022 by Crossroads Recovery Center

Overcoming addiction is a major achievement, but unfortunately, recovery isn’t linear. Even after going through detox and learning to control cravings and urges, patients are still at a high risk of relapse. Certain psychological and social factors can trigger a relapse, including stress, environmental cues and familiar social situations. Counseling is essential in avoiding these triggers and staying clean. A strong support system has be...

Opioid x Hepatitis C Crisis

Opioid x Hepatitis C Crisis

Aug 5, 2019 by Crossroads Recovery Center

Recently, research from the CDC suggests that a steep increase in acute hepatitis C infection is associated with increases in opioid injections. Hepatitis C is spread through bodily fluids, most commonly, infected blood. When addicts share needles, the virus is spread and is beginning to funnel a higher opioid and hepatitis crisis. “Hepatitis C is a deadly, common, and often invisible result of America’s opioid crisis,” said ...

Drug Abuse and HCV

Drug Abuse and HCV

Jun 27, 2019 by Crossroads Recovery Center

Drug abuse and addiction are often associated with a high risk of contracting hepatitis C.  Because drug abuse often affects judgement and behavior, drug use and addiction usually places people in the position to risk themselves to contracting this disease through various activities. Sharing a needle or engaging in unprotected sex with someone who has this condition, increases the risk of contracting HCV. What is HCV? Hepatitis C is a ...

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